Coming Soon on
Update Jan2013...Ok So the world may not have ended in 2012, but the direction of Spin has definitely changed for me, looking on the brightside, the changes allowed me to focus on further design work. The Bike Design is on hold for the time being but hopefully there will be a few components launched after the camera stabilization & support equipment. While waiting for Kickstarter to get a grip in the UK, I was busy improving the design. Turns out 3D Model Digital Prototypes while good enough for the Machine Shop are not accepted on Kickstarter.
Then I found the answer
So the project will be launched soon on their site, as soon as the costing & reward structure has been finalized. Stay Tuned for more info...
Over the last month many variations to the gimbal design have been made, in the images below you can see some of the many configurations. While the ergonomic gimbal fork may look like the result of those experiments, I have actually reverse engineered it to it's more basic & functional form. The ergonomic handle would cost more to machine & provide for less functionality, the basic design could have other uses when not in use on the stabilizer, which is why there are multiple mounting holes. It's true Square edges also provide additional functionality when combined with other support equipment/grip
There is also a number of other configurations, depending on if you prefer a long handle below the center of gravity, or a smaller rotation ring above. Also a simpler 2 piece multi-angle handle/armature holder has been designed, once again for improved functiaonality & alternate use.

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